Saturday, January 16, 2010

A New Year, A New Day a New Blog

So here it is, January, the beginning of  a new year, new goals, new resolutions... and a new post to my blog (finally!)  The fact that I have not written since August only serves to illustrate how busy the life of a mom (and dad) can be.  Like most parents of young children, I consider myself lucky if I find the time to shower each morning and pass a brush through my hair let alone time to indulge in other personal endeavors, such as writing.  But since this is the time for setting goals for ourselves and holding ourselves accountable, I am back at my blog vowing to write if not every day at least two or three times a week. :-)

With that goal in mind, I will keep this short. Tomorrow I will begin anew in the telling of my journey into motherhood, such that it might help you in some small way navigate the slippery slope of parenthood yourself. :-)  I am also planning to begin a product reviews section (of which I have MANY, being the opinionated mass consumer that I am!) so do check back for that.

For now I will leave you with some simple words of inspiration to tackle your own resolutions this week:

"Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each new year find you a better man." -
Benjamin Franklin

Until tomorrow..