Sunday, August 29, 2010

Intentions schmentions

Hello and Happy August!

Can you believe that summer is almost over? I don't know where the months have gone. But here I am making what is apparently my biannual post on my blog. Maybe that's what I should re-name it "Biannual Blog : A Busy Person's Sad Attempt at a Hobby." Catchy, huh? At the time of my last post lo those many months ago, I truly intended to begin writing weekly. "It will be easy," I thought,"I'll just jump online after the kids are asleep, whip out the blog in a minute or two and head off to bed." But like so many other intentions, that quickly went by the way side. Eventually so many weeks had gone by without fulfilling that intention that I started thinking "Well, it's too late now." I felt really badly about it, but almost didn't know how to begin again, especially after all of my big talk about new years, new resolutions, etc. Yeah, right. I couldn't even look at my blog page, truth be told. It was as if I had made a promise to a friend and then broken it. The idea of seeing that friend face to face and having to own up to my shortcomings, admit that I had for lack of a better word lied, was too much. I couldn't muster the strength. Better to lay low, hide-out, let it blow over. Cowardly, to be sure, but even more-so when the person you are afraid to confront is yourself.

So here I am, failed intentions and all, beginning again...again. I won' t make any lofty promises to you, whosoever may be out there reading this blog, or to myself. All I will say is that I am hoping, wanting and expecting to revisit my telling of Ainsley's arrival and subsequent years of life, including Owen's journey into the world, very soon.

But maybe don't hold your breath. :-)

Until tomorrow...

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